
The valuation of a CnfFormula.

It keeps tracks of the following attributes during the execution of the DPLL algorithm:

Also provides service to pick a variable:

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Source code

import Map.js

var Map = require('./Map');

Constructor - takes map whose keys are the variable and values the number of occurrences in the formula.

function Valuation(variables) {

    'use strict';

contains all the unassigned variables - initialized with all the variables.

    var unassigned = new Map();

a map whose key is a variable and value is either true or false.

    var solution = new Map();

Assign the specified variable to the specified boolean value.

    this.putSolution = function(variable, value) {

new solution

        solution.put(variable, value);

remove variable from unassigned


Returns the current value of the specified variable: true, false or undefined.

    this.getSolution = function(variable) {
        return solution.get(variable);

Returns true if the specified variable is currently assigned to true.

    this.isAssigned = function(variable) {
        return solution.containsKey(variable);

Returns a Set containing all the variables currently unassigned.

    this.unassigned = function() {
        return unassigned.keySet();

Returns the map of solutions: key is variable, value is true or false. Variables that have been optimized away are not assigned with a truth value. See CnfFormula.js

    this.solution = function() {
        return solution;

Returns a variable at random amongst the currently unassigned variables.

    this.randomUnassignedVariable = function() {
        var unassignedArr = unassigned.keySet().toArray();
        var random = Math.floor(Math.random() * (unassigned.size()));
        return unassignedArr[random];

Returns the variable with highest occurrences in the formula amongst the currently unassigned variables.

    this.highestOccurrenceVariable = function() {
        var it = unassigned.iterator();
        var maxOcc = 0;
        var result = undefined;
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            var entry =;
            if (entry.value > maxOcc) {
                maxOcc = entry.value;
                result = entry.key;
        return result;


expose API to Node.js

module.exports = Valuation;