
Implementation of the Davis-Putnam-Logemann-Loveland (DPLL) algorithm.

Everytime the #solve() method is called a new valuation is created and passed to the successive steps of the algorithm.

  1. Evalutate the CNF formula with the current valuation by calling CnfFormula#evaluate(Valuation)
  2. Return the solution of the valuation (a map) if evaluation is true
  3. Run the unit propagate step of the algorithm by calling CnfFormula#unitPropagate(Valuation)
  4. Run the pure literal assign step of the algorithm by calling CnfFormula#pureLiteralAssign(Valuation)
  5. re-evaluate the CNF formula with the current valuation.
  6. Return the solution of the valuation (a map) if evaluation is true
  7. Return undefined if the evaluation is false
  8. Choose a variable and assign it to true
  9. Return the solution of the valuation (a map) if evaluation is true
  10. Re-run the algorithm with the variable assigned to false instead

The algorithm will eventually converge to either a solution or undefined.

Step 8 is known as the splitting rule. Two selection modes are available:

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Source code

import Valuation.js

var Valuation = require('./Valuation');

Constructor - takes the formula to be solved as an input.

function Solver(formula) {

    'use strict';

true for selection of unassigned random variable, false for selection of unassigned variable with highest occurrence.

    var useRandomSelection = true;

Runs all steps of the algorithm eventually calling itself back if need be. Fills the specified valuation along the way.

    function run(valuation) {
        var formulaEval = formula.evaluate(valuation);
        if (formulaEval === undefined) {
            var afterOptimEval = formula.evaluate(valuation);
            if (true === afterOptimEval) {
                return valuation.solution();
            } else if (false === afterOptimEval) {
                return undefined;
            } else {

select variable to assign

                var newVar;
                if (useRandomSelection) {
                    newVar = valuation.randomUnassignedVariable();
                } else {
                    newVar = valuation.highestOccurrenceVariable();

evaluate with truth value = true.

                valuation.putSolution(newVar, true);
                var afterNewVarTrueEval = formula.evaluate(valuation);
                if (true === afterNewVarTrueEval) {

solution found.

                    return valuation.solution();
                } else {

set truth value to false and rerun.

                    valuation.putSolution(newVar, false);
                    return run(valuation);
        } else if (formulaEval) {
            return valuation.solution();
        } else {
            return undefined;

Sets the variable selection alogrithm to random selection mode and return this.

    this.randomVariableSelection = function() {
        useRandomSelection = true;
        return this;

Sets the variable selection alogrithm to highest occurrence selection mode and return this.

    this.highestOccurrenceVariableSelection = function() {
        useRandomSelection = false;
        return this;

Tries and solves the CNF. Returns either a map whose keys are the variables and values are either true or false.

if the CNF formula has been solved the result will NOT contain the variables that have been optimized away. For instance if the formula contains the clause (x | -x | y) and x is not present in any other clause of the formula, then x is optimized away and therefore its value is irrelevant - i.e. it can be true or false.

    this.solve = function() {
        var valuation = new Valuation(formula.variables());
        return run(valuation);


expose API to Node.js

module.exports = Solver;